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The component which is responsible for displaying the Telegram Mini Apps init data. This class represents object with readonly properties. To create its new instance, a developer could use the class constructor as follows:

import { InitData } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const authDate = new Date();
const hash = 'myhash';
const initData = new InitData(authDate, hash, {
  canSendAfter: 1000,
  chat: {
    id: 7728558344,
    photoUrl: '',
    type: 'group',
    title: 'Telegram Developers',
    username: 'johnybravo',
  chatType: 'sender',
  chatInstance: '-9982961682389',
  queryId: 'AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0Xoh',
  startParam: 'customvalue',
  user: {
    addedToAttachmentMenu: false,
    allowsWriteToPm: true,
    firstName: 'Johny',
    id: 22231781,
    isBot: false,
    isPremium: true,
    lastName: 'Bravo',
    languageCode: 'en',
    photoUrl: '',
    username: 'johnybravo',
import { InitData } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const authDate = new Date();
const hash = 'myhash';
const initData = new InitData(authDate, hash, {
  canSendAfter: 1000,
  chat: {
    id: 7728558344,
    photoUrl: '',
    type: 'group',
    title: 'Telegram Developers',
    username: 'johnybravo',
  chatType: 'sender',
  chatInstance: '-9982961682389',
  queryId: 'AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0Xoh',
  startParam: 'customvalue',
  user: {
    addedToAttachmentMenu: false,
    allowsWriteToPm: true,
    firstName: 'Johny',
    id: 22231781,
    isBot: false,
    isPremium: true,
    lastName: 'Bravo',
    languageCode: 'en',
    photoUrl: '',
    username: 'johnybravo',

The third constructor parameter is optional and represents the object with optional properties.



Type: Date

Init data generation date.


Type: Date | null

Date after which a message can be sent via the answerWebAppQuery method.


Type: Chat | null

An object containing data about the chat where the bot was launched via the attachment menu. Returned for supergroups, channels and group chats – only for Mini Apps launched via the attachment menu.


Type: 'sender' | 'private' | 'group' | 'supergroup' | 'channel' | string | null

The type of chat from which Mini App was opened.


Type: string | null

A global identifier indicating the chat from which Mini App was opened. Returned only for applications opened by direct link.


Type: string

A hash of all passed parameters, which the bot server can use to check their validity.


Type: string | null

A unique identifier for the Mini App session, required for sending messages via the answerWebAppQuery method.


Type: User | null

An object containing data about the chat partner of the current user in the chat where the bot was launched via the attachment menu. Returned only for private chats and only for Mini Apps launched via the attachment menu.


Type: string | null

The value of the startattach parameter, passed via link. Only returned for Mini Apps when launched from the attachment menu via link.


Type: User | null

An object containing data about the current user.

Released under the MIT License.