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The package provides utilities to work with the initialization data of Telegram Mini Apps on the server side. To learn more about the initialization data and its usage, please refer to the documentation.


This package extends the functionality of @tma.js/init-data, including all its types and utilities. Therefore, there is no need to install both packages separately.


pnpm i @tma.js/init-data-node
pnpm i @tma.js/init-data-node
npm i @tma.js/init-data-node
npm i @tma.js/init-data-node
yarn add @tma.js/init-data-node
yarn add @tma.js/init-data-node



You can learn more about parsing utilities in @tma.js/init-data documentation.


To validate the signature of the initialization data, the validate function is used. It expects the initialization data to be passed in raw format (search parameters) and throws an error in certain cases.

import { validate } from '@tma.js/init-data-node';

const secretToken = '5768337691:AAH5YkoiEuPk8-FZa32hStHTqXiLPtAEhx8';
const initData =
  'query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc' +
  '&user=%7B%22id%22%3A279058397%2C%22first_name%22%3A%22Vladislav%22%2C%22last_name%22%3A%22Kibenko%22%2C%22username%22%3A%22vdkfrost%22%2C%22language_code%22%3A%22ru%22%2C%22is_premium%22%3Atrue%7D' +
  '&auth_date=1662771648' +

validate(initData, secretToken);
import { validate } from '@tma.js/init-data-node';

const secretToken = '5768337691:AAH5YkoiEuPk8-FZa32hStHTqXiLPtAEhx8';
const initData =
  'query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc' +
  '&user=%7B%22id%22%3A279058397%2C%22first_name%22%3A%22Vladislav%22%2C%22last_name%22%3A%22Kibenko%22%2C%22username%22%3A%22vdkfrost%22%2C%22language_code%22%3A%22ru%22%2C%22is_premium%22%3Atrue%7D' +
  '&auth_date=1662771648' +

validate(initData, secretToken);

Function will throw an error in one of these cases:

  • auth_date should present integer
  • auth_date is empty or not found
  • hash is empty or not found
  • Signature is invalid
  • Init data expired

By default, the function checks the expiration of the initialization data. The default expiration duration is set to 1 day (86,400 seconds). It is recommended to always check the expiration of the initialization data, as it could be stolen but still remain valid. To disable this feature, pass { expiresIn: 0 } as the third argument.

Released under the MIT License.